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Northwest Music Program

The music program at Northwest presents exceptional undergraduate education that focuses on fine-tuning students into a master of their craft.

The music program focuses on developing an elevated level of musicianship, offering majors in music and music education. Bachelor’s degrees are available in music or music with an emphasis choice of audio production, business or wellness. Bachelor of Music Education degrees cover K-12 general and instrumental music or K-12 general and vocal music.

Northwest has been accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) 自1969年以来. 

Launch Fine Arts Building Experience


BMB and Auditions are open to all majors. Students do not need to be a music major to participate.

Programs of Study

Our Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.) program offers vocal or instrumental music education majors. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in music program offers a comprehensive major or emphases in audio production, business and wellness. Additionally, a music minor is available.

recitals this semester
different types of music ensembles
bachelor's programs

What I enjoy most about studying music at Northwest is having opportunities to practice the skills I learn and gain experiences to prepare me for my future. Northwest has lots of chances to enhance your abilities and the professors are always willing to help you when you need it.

Instrumental Music Education


Instrumental 乐团

Instrumental ensembles include the 熊猫 Marching Band, 熊猫乐队, 风交响曲, 交响乐团, 爵士乐团, Studio 爵士乐团 and chamber ensembles.

View a list of music-related ensembles

Instrumental 乐团


Vocal ensembles include University Chorale, 塔合唱团 and Concert Choir.

View a list of music-related ensembles


Profession-Based Learning Experiences

We take hands-on to a whole new level. Depending on their degree choice, students can participate in observations, field experiences, 一些实习课程, special projects and student teaching. 

Profession-Based Learning Experiences

熊猫 Marching Band

The musical pride of Northwest is a family all its own, with section hangouts and food parties. Join the 150+ members that bring the vibe on game days.


熊猫 Marching Band

Calendar of 事件


Fine and Performing Arts



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